A Parallel Corpus-Based Study of Emotion Words in Hong Lou Meng and Their Translations

Zhangjun LIAN


Emotional linguistics is a newly developed area in linguistic studies. However, up till now, inadequate attention has been paid to the contrastive study of emotion words in HLM and its English versions. This study attempts to compare and contrast the negative emotion words and their English translations in Chinese-English parallel corpus of Hong Lou Meng based on affect system in Appraisal Theory. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses of these emotion words, it is found that in terms of realization mode of emotion words, the Chinese Hong Lou Meng texts highlight affect as process while the English versions of Hong Lou Meng highlight affect as quality. In addition, the characteristics of transmission modes of Chinese and English emotion words are also revealed. The differentiation between Chinese and English emotion words will ensure the correct translation and introduction of traditional Chinese emotion culture to the western world.


Emotion words; Hong Lou Meng; Affect System; Realization; Transmission

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720141001.4137


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