«TO’TINOMA» – The Novel With the Didactic Direction

Gulchehra Izbullayeva


Almost all literary-philosophical and medical works of Ziyovuddin Nakhshabi (1263-1350) created in Persian, Urdu and Indian languages have come to our century as a manuscript. But the most famous one is «To’tinoma» which was written in Persian language. The meaning of this literary work is primarily the idea of educating a person›s moral image, and it is devoted to the motives of fidelity and unfaithfulness, rationality, generosity, and fight between evil and goodness. The protagonists of these stories, along with people of different professions, are variety of animals and birds, which in itself determines the ideological aspect of the story. And in those stories antagonists are punished and protagonists live happily ever after.


Moral upbringing and education; Historical heritage; Shukasaptaty source and To’tinoma source

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Hasanova Shafoat Saidbekovna (2016). Comparative-typological and textual interpretation of «To’tinoma» and «The Language of a Bird»: 10.00.10 – Textology and literary source learning (philological sciences). PhD dissertation abstract. Toshkent.

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Mashriqzamin Hikmat Bustoni. (1997). Translators, ollectors and commentators: Hamidjon Homidiy and Mahmud Hasaniy (pp.251). Toshkent: «Sharq» publishing house.

Nakhshabiy, Z. (2015). To’tinoma: Narration. - Toshkent: «National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan» (p.184), State Scientific Publishing House.

National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan (2005). To’ychi Hofiz – Sharshara (Vol.9, p.704). A. Azizkho’jaev, B. Alimov, M. Aminov, et al (Eds.). T.: National Scientific Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/10798


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