Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction as Determinant of Primary School Teachers Turnover Intention

A. O. Okubanjo


This study examines the predictive power of organizational commitment and job satisfaction on primary school teacher’s turnover intention.  Two hundred primary school teachers participants were selected from 20 primary schools out of one hundred primary school in ijebu north local government area of Ogun State through stratified and simple random sampling techniques the school were selected from two (2) constituencies in ijebu north local government area which are Ifelodun and Ijebu-Igbo. Seven (7) schools were selected from ifelodun and thirteen (13) public primary schools were randomly selected from ijebu. Ten (10) teachers (male and female) were randomly selected from each school making a total of two hundred (200). The selection of the schools was based on the population and the geographical territory of the consistency. Three instruments, Turnover Intention Scale, organization commitment scale and intrinsic motivation inventory were utilized in the study. Multiple regression (stepwise) and simple percentage were used for analysis. Findings showed that the two determinant variables (organizational commitment and intrinsic motivation) when taken together, determined the criterion variable (turnover intention). Finding also indicated that organization commitment was the most potent contributor to the prediction of turnover intention of primary school teachers. The implications of these findings for the government, policy makers and employers of labor, who are interested in effective functioning and retention of workers, were discussed. 


Organizational commitment; Job satisfaction; Turnover intention; Primary school teachers

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