A Questionnaire of the Nature of Critical Thinking From the College Teachers in China
This study employed a semi-structure questionnaire to explore the understanding of the nature of critical thinking on from the college teachers. Most Chinese scholars believed that they have known the nature of critical thinking, but they couldn’t agree with others. The key words such as “reason”, “reflection”, “openness”, “questioning”, “argument”, “equality”, “truth-seeking”, “prudent”, “inference”, “diversity”, “logic”, “analysis”, “evaluation”, “dialectical”, “precise” will help the college teacher understand the nature of critical thinking. The difference between male and female, among the different academic title of college teachers in the nature of critical thinking will enlighten Chinese scholars a lot. Scholar’s disciplinary background, gender and academic directly affect their opinions of critical thinking, interdisciplinary research should be paid more attention to promote the development of critical thinking.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/5513
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