Spiritual Heritages of Humboldt’s Idea of University: Classical Tradition and Personality Shaping

Jiali HU, Yanqiang CUI


Humboldt’s idea of university has produced profound influence on higher education in German and even the whole world. Humboldt has inherited classics and personality shaping in European and German educational tradition, comprehensively absorbed educational thoughts of German idealist philosophy and new humanism in the same era, made himself into a typical representative of classical tradition and personality shaping, and applied the concept of classical tradition and personality shaping to educational practice, especially in universities representing national higher academic institutions. He emphasized humanist tradition and the status of institutes of philosophy assuming heavy responsibilities of personality shaping in the university, which is one of the important spiritual heritages left by him.


spiritual heritage; classics; personality shaping

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/6780


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