A Qualitative Research on Perception of Geography by Training Teachers of Geography: Sample of Turkey

Nurettin ÖZGEN


The present study aims to determine how “geography” is perceived by training geography teachers (TGT) in Turkey. The method employed was the Content Analysis Method. All the necessary analyses were done based upon the answers given by the students to two open-ended questions (a) I think the concept of geography denotes ---- (b) In my way of thinking, geography means ----. The population of the present study was made up of 433 TGT educated in all the Departments of Geography Teaching occurring in 8 different universities across Turkey. All the answers given by the trainings were scrutinized and then expressions and concepts similar to each other in meaning and content were designed in such a way that they all appear in the same column. As a result of this process was determined from 10 different “Geography Concepts Category”.


Concept of geography; Qualitative study; Training Geography Teacher (TGT); Category of concepts; Content analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.hess.1927024020130501.4580


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