Analysis of the Innovation Potential of Brazillian Oil and Gas Companies

Marcus Vinicius De A. Fonseca, Maria Cristina Labuto F. P. Pinto, Paulo Sergio R. Alonso, Edival Dan Junior


This study presents a methodology designed to evaluate the innovation potential of a set of companies operating in the oil and gas segment in Brazil. This methodology was used as a tool to map these companies, with the purpose of evaluating their innovation potential for the development of pioneer technologies, products and services for offshore exploration and production activities in deep waters. The tool wasapplied to33 companies and it is composed by sevenmacro-indicators, among which areOrganizational and Technological Management, Personnel Management and Technological and Informational Infrastructure.Each macro-indicator stands for a sub-index and the weighted sum of all seven sub-indexes composes the Innovation Potential Index(IPINNOVATION)of the company, standardized toa scale from zero to one.An analysis of the instrument used to calculate the IPINNOVATIONas well as the application of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) regarding the weights used for each macro-indicator consolidates this evaluation. This work emphasizes the importance of using this evaluation procedure as a tool to support the establishment of governmental policies in developing countries.
Key words: Innovation; Oil & gas industry; Brazil; Research & development


Innovation; Oil & gas industry; Brazil; Research & development

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