The Extent of Applying E-Human Resources in Jordan From the Perspective of Human Resource Managers Within Commercial Banks in Jordan
The current research study aimed to understand the extent of which E-HRM is applied within the commercial banks in Jordan from the perspective of Human Resource Managers in Jordan. Four variables were chosen to be influential on the degree of applying the E-HRM practices and approaches within the commercial banks in Jordan which are (management support, degree of awareness, IT infrastructure, and the current HRM approaches adopted). A questionnaire was adopted as the tool of the study in order to collect the needed data. 400 questionnaires were distributed on the sample of the study and 313 questionnaires were retrieved from the respondent which were properly filled and can be statistically processed. The results of the study indicated that all the four variables have influence on the implementation of the E-HRM within the commercial banks in Jordan. According to the respondents the most influential variables were the degree of awareness of the E-HRM among managers and HRM officers which can help one way or another in supporting the implementation process of the E-HRM within the commercial banks in Jordan.
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