Integrated Marketing Communications and Customer Loyalty in Nigeria’s Telecommunications Industry

Thomas K. Egwuonwu, James A Adeniran, Clara O. K. Egwuonwu


This study focused on integrated marketing communications and customer loyalty in the telecommunications industry in Nigeria. Lagos State, Nigeria constitutes the scope of the study being that it is the commercial hub of Nigeria and there resides a huge population of telecoms subscribers. Survey design was adopted for the study. Cross-sectional data were collected across the twenty local government areas in Lagos State with the aid of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire administered on 600 telecommunications subscribers yielded 82.3% response rate. Using descriptive statistics, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, the data collected were analyzed. The findings reveal that integrated marketing communications (IMC) has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The result further shows that each of the proxies of IMC studied influenced customer loyalty at varying degrees, ranging from high to weak extent. It can therefore be inferred that implementation of IMC in the telecommunications industry in Nigeria enhances customer loyalty. Some recommendations were made and the managerial implications highlighted. 


Integrated marketing communications; Customer loyalty; Brands; Incentives; Telecommunications

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