The Influence of App Users’ Perceived Brand Co-Creation Benefits When Conducting Feedback on Its Feedback Intention

Qiaomin LI


In the seriously competitive market, especially TMT industry, brand co-creation has been a focus of firms. Past studies focus on the economic gains of co-creation, but have little knowledge on the motivation and psychological reasons behind it, which has restricted the development of co-creation research. And they also neglected that the reasons may differ in different circumstances. This paper is going to see it from a particular perspective- the process of user’s feedback on App, by adapting the Self-determination Theory and Implicit Self-esteem Theory, and constructing a psychological mechanism that consist of perceived competence and brand co-creation engagement to find the reasons behind. We found that perceived competence can positively influence customer and brand relationship by improving brand co-creation engagement. In reality, this paper can help TMT industry firms to build a better feedback channel so that to improve the brand, and its relationship with customers.


App feedback; Co-creation; Engagement; Perceived competence

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