Review of Competitive Intelligence & Competitive Advantage in the Industrial Estates Companies in the Kerman City: Appraisal and Testing of Model by Amos Graphics

Hasan Safarnia, Zahra Akbari, Abbas Abbasi


Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of competitive intelligence on the competitive advantage of corporate organizations. While much empirical works have centered on competitive advantage, the generalization of its relationship to competitive intelligence in the Iran context has been under researched. A 32- item survey questionnaire to measure competitive intelligence and competitive advantage was developed and corporates in Iran are selected from industrial estates companies in the kerman city as a sample for this study. For analysis data used of the SPSS 16 and appraisal of model by Amos graphics 18. The results of the study reported in this paper validated and finds strong association between competitive intelligence and competitive advantage of corporate organizations in the Iran context. The main finding of this study is that competitive intelligence lead to competitive advantage in corporate organizations in Iran. The implications of the results of this study are clear for scholars and managers.
Key words: Competitive intelligence; Competitive advantage


Competitive intelligence; Competitive advantage

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