The Combination of Soft System and Quality Function Deployment Methodologies in the Design and Development of the Comprehensive Model for World Class Manufacturing Processes

S.M. Seyed Hosseinie, A.N. Mosleh Shirazi, A. T. Ashloghi, M.H. Mehran


The present paper attempts to design and develop a comprehensive model based on which the manufacturing processes can be promoted toward a world class manufacturing level. In this paper, it is believed that the Soft System Methodologies (SSM) can be utilized in a synthesized fashion to attain the world – class manufacturing status and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to analyze and assess customer needs and requirements and to design production processes used for the achievement of high–quality products. It is believed that such a combination can lead to the successful design of a model of key success criteria for the purpose of achieving the above mentioned goal. To achieve the above mentioned goal, the SSM and QFD Methodologies are combined to establish the major components influencing manufacturing processes in the form of a model consisting of 12 components (strategy, system, organization, work process, value, personnel, culture, quality, price, speed, flexibility, and customer services). .
Key words: World class manufacturing; Soft system methodology; Quality function deployment; Modeling; critical success factors; Production process design


World class manufacturing; Soft system methodology; Quality function deployment; Modeling; critical success factors; Production process design


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