The Effect of Explicit Teaching of Lexical Inferencing Strategies on the Vocabulary Learning Among Iranian Field-Dependent and Independent EFL Learners
It is claimed that lack of vocabulary knowledge is one of the most challenging issues for foreign language learners. Moreover, both language learners and teachers are after the most viable method of vocabulary learning and teaching. Along the same lines, this study focused on the effect of explicit teaching of lexical inferencing strategies on the vocabulary learning of Iranian foreign language learners with different cognitive styles. To this end, three groups of learners, namely, field dependent, field independent, and a control group of English language learners were formed. Field dependent and field independent language learners received explicit teaching of lexical inferencing strategies while the control group just received the conventional method of vocabulary teaching. The performances of the three groups of the study on a vocabulary posttest were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The results of statistical analysis indicated that both field dependent and field independent language learners outperformed the control group in terms of vocabulary learning. However, no significant difference was found between field dependent and field independent learners in terms of vocabulary learning when they received explicit instruction of inferencing strategies. This led to the conclusion that explicit teaching of lexical inferencing strategies has a positive effect on Iranian foreign language learners with different cognitive orientations.
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