Age, Experience and Risk Perception of Commercial Bus Drivers in Osun State.

Zaccheaus Olufunminiyi Olonade


The study examined the influence of commercial bus drivers’ age, and experience on their risk perception on the road. This was with a view to assessing the roles played by the variables on the driving behaviour of commercial bus drivers. Primary data were used in the study. It involved systematic observation and the use of questionnaire. Participatory observation was conducted, and questionnaire administered on commercial bus drivers travelling in and out of Ile-Ife, Ilesa, and Osogbo. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used. A total of 92 drivers were used for the study. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that the commercial bus drivers’ age have no significant influence on their risk perception. The influence of driving experience of commercial bus drivers on their risk perception was found to be statistically insignificant too. The study concluded that commercial bus drivers, irrespective of their age or driving experience, need to periodically attend training programmes, as a matter of duty, to improve their risk perception and by extension their driving behaviour.


Age; Experience; Risk Perception.

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