Study on Influencing Factors of Food Security in China Based on Historical Data From 1978 to 2013

Yuyan TANG, Shuo BAI, Jian TANG


<p align="left">Not only food security affects the people’s livelihood, but also affects national economic development and social stability. Chinese food security has made remarkable achievements, and it is very important reference value to research on influencing factors for formulating food security policy. This paper summary the literature about influencing factors of food safety, then be established in definition of food security, choose a measurement index, and considers a few factors and conditions, make use of 1978-2013 Chinese macroeconomic data, reveal the main factors affecting food security. Research found that agricultural mechanization, chemical fertilizer, efficient irrigation and food policy have an important contribution to food security, while the contribution of per capita grain acreage decreased year by year, and the agricultural labor force, national financial allocation for agricultural science and technology, rural electricity consumption does not have a statistical significance for food security. </p>


Food security; Influencing factors; Countermeasures

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