The Advantages and Prospects of Liquefied Natural Gas (LGN)

Zhichao ZHANG, Mingxing BAI, Jianpeng SUN


As the usage of LNG (liquefied natural gas) continues to grow, the natural gas value remains high, large capacities of LNG plants which lead to lower cost per unit of LNG produced avail the LNG projects under construction or in plan. The refrigeration and liquefaction process is the key element of LNG project and it can consume about 35% of the capital expenditure and up to 50% of the subsequent operating cost. Technology advances have lowered the cost for liquefaction and regasifying, shipping and storing LNG. This report presents the main technologies available for natural gas liquefaction based on onshore and base-load cases. An overview of LNG processes including the refrigeration theory and pretreatment process involved is explained as well in details. Parameters between alternative technologies for the operating units are compared for economically choosing process routines. All existing LNG plants are located on-shore, reasons for potential development reasons for offshore plants are also discussed in this report.


LNG; operating cost; economically choosing; alternative technologies

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