Corporate Social Irresponsibility: The Bullying in Amazonian Women Workers of the Industrial Free Zone of Manaus-AM, Brazil

Diogo Gonzaga Torres Neto, Lindsay de Oliveira Mesquita Torres


The present article traces the trajectory of the woman Amazonian who arrives to desire the dream of working in Industrial Pole of Manaus and confronts with the suffering at work that starts from the selective process until the observation that is the victim of harassment. For both sought to know as if expresses the adaptation to organizational context of women originated from rivers of Amazon State to the Manaus City in search of employment. Are demonstrated in this work forms of Mobbing and sexual harassment, to which they are subject these women. According to the results obtained by application of questionnaires in 30 women Amazonian in search of a better quality of life, it was identified that in addition to the suffering found in victims of mobbing and Sexual harassment, there is evidence of previous sexual assaults that were frustrated, and that generate the moral harassment. Such findings become topics to be researched and even confirmed through other methods of behavioral sciences that deal with human suffering, because this theme is never exhausted and always will be necessary for understanding mainly on prevention of mobbing and improvement in occupational health and quality of life at work for the follow-up search.


Suffering at work; Mobbing; Women’s work

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