Optimization of Well Spacing Ratio of Injection Production Wells in Low Permeability Anisotropic Reservoir

Long LONG, Yajun LI, Mingzhe DONG, Aiming LÜ


According to the characteristics of anisotropy existed during the development of low permeability reservoirs, Shengli oilfield in Niu 20 reservoir as an example, by using reservoir numerical simulation method, considering the existing well pattern in low permeability reservoir, the effect of the well pattern, well spacing and array direction, and well pattern array distance ratio on the oilfield production capacity has been researched by numerical simulation. The results of the study show that: For the anisotropy of low permeability reservoirs, permeability ratio fixed, the semi logarithmic curve of well drainage distance ratio and degree of recovery shows a quadratic parabola relationship, the optimal well spacing ratio can be obtained by the curve fitting. And by numerical simulation of the actual reservoir, verify well array spacing ratio optimization to improve the degree of recovery.


Low permeability reservoir; Numerical simulation; Well pattern; Anisotropy; Water cut

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/8741


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