Cotton Oil and Sunflower Oil Fuel Mixtures

Charalampos Arapatsakos, Anastasios Karkanis, Dimitrios Christoforidis, Marianthi Moschou, Ioannis Pantokratoras


Air pollution is made up of many kind of gases, droplets and particles that reduce the quality of the air. Particles include dust, dirt, soot, smoke and liquid droplets. Some of these particles are large enough to be seen as soot or smoke, while others are so small that can be detected individually with a microscope. Some particles are emitted directly into the air from a variety of sources that are either natural or related to human activity. Those related to human activity include motor vehicle emissions, industrial processes such as electricity generation, incinerators and stone crushing. At this paper will be compared the emissions of pollutants when are used as a fuel the mixtures of diesel-cotton oil and diesel- sunflower oil in a Diesel four-stroke engine. Specifically, the mixtures that have been used are the following: diesel-10% cotton oil, diesel-20% cotton oil, diesel-30% cotton oil, diesel-40% cotton oil, diesel-50% cotton oil, diesel- 10% sunflower oil, diesel- 20% sunflower oil, diesel- 30% sunflower oil, diesel- 40% sunflower oil, diesel- 50% sunflower oil. For those mixtures, it has been measured the emissions of Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and also the fuel consumption.
Key words: Gas emissions; Cotton oil; Sunflower oil; CO-HC-NO-smoke emissions; Biofuels


Gas emissions; Cotton oil; Sunflower oil; CO-HC-NO-smoke emissions; Biofuels

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