Simulation Model for High Efficiency of Solar Cells

N.D. Kaushika, Dr. Reeta


Simulation model of solar cell device is developed to investigate the optimization of conversion efficiency as a function of its geometrical and materials parameters. An arbitrary profile of impurity distribution in the base region is taken into account by using the method of piece wise integration by exponential approximations .The spatially varying built-in field and mobility are explicitly taken into account. Illustrative numerical computations of quantum & collection efficiencies as well as of solar conversion parameters are presented. Simulation conversion efficiency of mono- crystalline silicon solar cell is in conformity with the 24% efficiency reported in Australia for the PERL structure when reasonably effective (about 2-3%) light trapping is taken into account. The model also supports the structure of multi junction thin film solar cells  for ultra high efficiency.

Key Words: Solar cell; Mono-crystalline; Simulation model; Ultrahigh efficiency


Solar cell; Mono-crystalline; Simulation model; Ultrahigh efficiency

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