The Different Faces of Reading Disabilities: Evidence from Case Studies

Elena Zaretsky, Shelley Velleman


Children with language or phonological disorders, including those with motor speech disorders such as Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), are all at risk for reading disorders. Other children who have neither known risk factors nor prior linguistic or learning difficulties have reading disorders nonetheless. Few studies have focused on specific differences in the reading profiles of children from these varied groups. These issues are explored in two case studies that highlight the differences between phonological dyslexia and literacy-related deficits that result from other conditions. The results show core differences between the two children's profiles, with the seemingly more impaired child demonstrating strengths in some relevant sub-skills in comparison to the otherwise higher-functioning girl. We stress the importance of identification and classification of reading disorders in order to provide appropriate remediation and improve chances in achieving literacy. Key words: Childhood Apraxia Of Speech; Phonological Dyslexia; Reading Deficits; Phonological Awareness; Phonological Memory; Working Memory

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