A Study on Three-Dimensional Transformation of Movie Title Translation From the Perspective of Eco-Translatology

Xin LI, Congli ZHAO


Being a bridge of cross-cultural communication under the background of globalization, movies have played an increasingly more significant role in contemporary society. A good movie title is an integral part of a successful movie in that the quality of title translation will influence the communication between nations to large extent. As a discipline at burgeoning period, Eco-translatology makes a new definition of translation as well as the translation principle and method which is named as Three-dimensional Transformation. Based on this principle, this paper analyzed the translation of many movie titles from the perspective of linguistic-dimension, cultural-dimension and communicative-dimension which aims to provide a new train of thought when translating.


Eco-translatology; Three-dimensional transformation; Cross-cultural communication

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/10399


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