Innovation of China’s Grass-Root Agricultural Extension Team With ICTs

Leifeng GUO, Wensheng WANG, Hao WANG, Xiufeng LI, Yong YANG, Zhiguo SUN


Agricultural extension plays a very important role in the technology transformation. Many researchers are committed to innovate the agriculture extension system with ICTs and there has been a remarkable progress in the use of ICTs in agricultural extension. This paper gave a brief introduction about the chinese agricultural extension system and focused on improving the service capacity of the grass-root agricultural extension team with ICTs. Some experience from what we have done is shared and the problems we have encountered are also discussed.


ICTs; Grass-root agricultural extension team; Agricultural extension information platform; 3G network

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Copyright (c) 2014 Leifeng GUO, Wensheng WANG, Hao WANG, Xiufeng LI, Yong YANG, Zhiguo SUN

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