The Enlightenment of Foucault’s Theory on the Relationship Between the East and the West

Gang XU


In the world today, there still exist the relationship of the mainstream and the marginal, the dominating and the dominated between the East and the West. And Foucault’s theory of Discourse offers us a powerful theoretical weapon to break the mentality of the binary opposition  between the East and the West, for it not only exposes the deeper mechanism of the western mainstream discourse, but also proposes the strategy to subvert it, that is, to establish a kind of counter-discourse through education/knowledge, and in this way, to deconstruct the western dominant discourse and establish a dialogic and construcive relationship between the East and the West. So this article will apply Foucault’s theory of discourse to illustrate the relationship between the East and the West, and then give a comprehensive analysis of the function of Foucault’s theory of enlightening us to establish a positive East-West relation.


Foucault; Discourse of powe; The East-West relation; Counter-discourse enlightenment

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