Analysis of the Translation Strategies of Ku Hungming’s English Version of Zhongyong from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

Haiyan LI, Wenli DUAN


Zhongyong as one of the most important Chinese Confucian classics is gems in the history of Chinese civilization. It has been translated into many foreign languages. There are many kinds of editions just for English translation. With the development of globalization and openness of the continuous improvement, the English version of Zhongyong plays an important role in the transmission of Confucianism and Chinese ancient philosophy. This paper, based on the Skopos theory, analyzes the purposes of Ku Hungming’s translation of ZhongYong and the translation strategies used to achieve his translation purposes, which contributes to the readers’ better understanding of Ku’s translation of Zhongyong and its practical and instructive meanings in Chinese culture transmission.


Skopos theory; Ku Hungming; Zhongyong; Translation strategies

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