A Cross Cultural Study on the Theme of Women Salvation in Two Literary Works

Jianying YUE, Yushan ZHAO


Women salvation is a common depicted theme in literatures about women worldwide. Chinese novel Ju Yan and American autobiographical novel Eat Pray Love are all centered on the theme of their female characters’ salvation under different cultural backgrounds. As a feminist interpretation of these two novels, this paper makes a cross cultural study on the theme of women salvation. Under the influence of gender culture and the different national cultures, the two women characters in the novels have quite distinctive experiences, a deep understanding of which may bring insight into cross cultural perception, thereby promote successful intercultural communication.

Key words: Cross cultural study; Women salvation; Ju Yan; Eat Pray Love


Cross cultural study; Women salvation; Ju Yan; Eat Pray Love

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020130901.2656


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Copyright (c) 2013 Jianying YUE, Yushan ZHAO

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