Study on Introducing Excellent Foreign Education Resources and Cultivating International Talents

Yadong BAI, Yong YANG, Jing XU


Economic globalization brings rapid increase of high demand for various kinds of international talents. In order to adapt such trend, every university in China needs to fasten the speed to introduce more and more excellent foreign education resources, transfer and absorb them, cultivate creative international talents who can grasp leading knowledge of the world, have broad international eyesight and strategic insight, and have international competitiveness.


Education resource; Internationalization; Talents


CHEN, Jingxin (2009). Make comprehensive use of foreign excellent education resources to cultivate characteristic internationalized talents. China University Education, (3). Beijing: Higher Education Press Ltd.

FAN, Ling (2012). Study on introducing excellent foreign education resources. Zhenjiang Gaozhuan Xuebao, (3). Zhenjiang: Zhen Jiang Technological Academy.

MA, Bo (2011). Introduce excellent education resources and build world class universities. Tianjin Daily, p.1. Tianjin: Tianjin Newspaper Group.

SUN, Qingping (2006). Introduction and Transformation of Excellent Foreign Education Resources. Journal of Shandong Normal University (Humanistic and Social Sciences), (4). Jinan: Shandong University.

TAN, Zhen (2007). Foreign Excellent Education Resources Introduction and Mode Optimization. Education and Economics, (3). Wuhan: Center China Normal University; Chinese Educational Economics Research.



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