Gender and City Differences in Personality Traits Among Adolescents in Some Selected Cities of Nigeria

C. C. Nweke, C. O. Anazonwu, R. N. Ugokwe-Ossai, V. A. Ucheagwu


There are overwhelming evidences from researches in the regional science that the attitudes, values and behaviours of people are geographically clustered. Psychologists, however, have historically had little to say about regional and city differences (Rentfrow, 2010). The present study investigated on gender and city differences in trait personalities among adolescents in some selected cities within Nigeria. A thousand and one (1001) adolescents (532 females, 469 males) sampled from five cities (Markurdi, Calabar, Nnewi, Victoria Island, Benin) within Nigeria were employed for the study. Big Five Personality Inventory by John, Donahue and Kentle (1991) was used to gather their data on personality traits while Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) and Pearson Product Moment correlation were used in data analysis. The findings of the study showed significant city difference on the personality traits examined and significant gender differences on neuroticism personality. Similarly significant interaction effects of city and gender were also seen. Furthermore there were positive and negative correlations of age and personality among adolescents studied. Discussions of the findings were done as well as the implications of the findings for social behaviours.


Psychological research; personality traits; the host environment; Mete analytic mode

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