A Contrastive Study of Brand Names in English and Chinese

Qiang KANG


A brand is shown by a name, a word, a sign, a symbol, a design or a combination of them. It is intended to identify the products or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. For the good brand has the functions of distinguishing, providing information of products and being symbol of credit , the good brand has a good advertisement for the product and help to take in a larger market .
Most brand names in Chinese are in the form of Chinese characters or Pinyin. In the West sense of individuality is very prevailing. What’s more, the companies usually belong to individuals, thus the personal names or surnames are used in brand names. On the contrary, Confucianism is the main stream in traditional Chinese culture which underlines hospitality and harmony, and belittles individualism. It is very important to select a brand name in the present-day brand competitive world. Several skills are employed in translating brand names. Among them are transliteration, paraphrase and complementary translation. The translation is deemed a success as long as it can provoke the consumers’ good association and their desires for purchasing the products.


Brand; Names; English; Chinese; Contrastive study

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020130906.3831


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