Secondary School Students Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Towards Water Pollution in Riverine Area of Ondo State

Samuel Olanrewaju Oladapo, Bright Ogunfunmilakin, J. D. Kukuru


Water pollution has been a major problem facing people living in riverine area all over Nigeria. This has become life threaten to majority of people living in the area as well as visitors to the area. A descriptive action research design was adopted foe the study and 3 instruments were developed for the collection of data. The population of the study comprises of all secondary school students in riverine area of Ondo State while 200 respondents were randomly selected from 10 schools 5 on the land and 5 on water. The questionnaire titled Environmental knowledge scale (EKS) Environmental Attitude scale (EAS) AND Environmental practice scale (EPS) were used to collect data for the study. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean, and standard deviation. The finding from the study shows that though participants are aware of actions that can pollute water, yet their attitude towards water pollution is negative.


Ilaje/Ese odo; Water pollution; Riverine area; Environmental attitude

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