A Boomerang: How Nollywood Ravages Youths’ Moral Fabric in A North-Central Nigeria Suburban Community

Solomon Samuel Gonina, Satkyes Samuel Mwansat, Christiana Chundung Pam


The intent of Nollywood films has usually and always been to correct societal ills such as greed, prostitution, ritual killing, ostentatious living, armed robbery, terrorism and criminality, among other forms of corruption. While productions and movies have been acted and created along those lines, it appears that that noble intention of correcting negatives is boomeranging as a great deal of the societal ills are daily being learnt and cultivated through and as a result of the consumption of such movies. Adopting the cultivation and agenda setting theories of the media, this study surveyed the responses of a number of young men and women resident in Farin Gada, a suburb of Jos, North Central Nigeria. Using simple random sampling technique and Krejcie/Morgan’s Table of Sampling, this study investigated three hundred and eighty four (384) youths of Farin Gada. Findings reveal a boomeranging effect in terms of expected outcome from the watching of Nollywood movies.


Nollywood; Movies; Themes; Boomerang; Youths; Fabric

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12370


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