A Sociological Research on the Nomos of the Earth and International Law From the Perspective of Legal Philosophy



Land is deemed as the mother of law. Land possession is a legal act.The origin and development of international law is in accordance with land occupation. From the perspective of international law, a borderline is a division. The word “ nomos” is related to order and space. It has become the most convenient word which reflects the political and social order of a nation. The varied meanings of nomos is adaptive to the changes of new historical contexts, but its essence remains the same, that is, land occupation.


Land occupation; Nomos; International law

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Francis R. B. Godolphin (Ed.) (1942). The Greek Historians. The complete and unabridged historical works of Herodotus (G. R. Thucydides, B. J. Xenophon, H. G. D. Arrian, & E. J. Chinnock, Trans.; Edited, with an introduction, revisions and additional notes, by Francis R. B. Godolphin)

Friedrich, G. W. (1967). Philosophy of right (T. M. Knox, Trans., p.151). New York: Oxford University Press.

Immanuel Kant (1996). Metaphysical first principles of the doctrine of rights. In M. Gregor (Trans.), The metaphysics of morals (p.50). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12964


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