Bolstering Migrant Political Participation through Open Circle Discussions and Advocacy Initiatives in Malta

Mike Opeyemi Omilusi


This article examines the potential of advocacy campaigns and open discourse to enhance the political and democratic representation of migrants. It establishes that migrants are valuable members of their host communities who bring diversity, novel perspectives, and lived experiences that are beneficial to the country at large. With specific reference to third-country nationals (TCNs) the article also highlights the challenges faced by migrants in Malta and how these discussions and initiatives can help overcome them. It contends that Malta can reap the benefits of enhanced political stability and a diverse, inclusive society by fostering migrant political engagement and embracing migrants with dignity.  It is therefore, submitted that the Maltese society should create systems where migrants can safely and securely exercise their political rights in order to encourage a sense of belonging in the country and facilitate greater social inclusion and political empowerment.


Advocacy; Open discussion; Migrant; Participation; Social inclusion

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