Learning Styles as a Predictor of Meta-Cognition Among Undergraduate Students at Albalaq’a Applied University

Orib A. Abou Amerrh


The purpose of this study was to examine if learning styles (concreteness, reflectiveness, abstractness and experimentation) predict meta-cognition (knowledge of cognition, regulation of cognition and cognition processing). Participants of the study consisted of 715 students (males and females) selected randomly from different faculties of Albalaq’a Applied University. Two questionnaires on learning styles and meta-cognition were administered to members of the sample during academic year 2013/2014. Regression and correlation analyses were used for data. Results indicate that there is significant positive correlation between the dimensions of learning styles and meta-cognition. Results also indicate that learning styles significantly explain and predict all sub-dimensions of meta-cognition.


Learning styles; Meta-cognition; Undergraduate students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/4465


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