Ethno - Historical Analysis of the Effects of Migration on African Family System

Takim Asu ojua, Tiku Takim Oru, Chimezie Atama


The paper is an ethno-historical discourse on the necessity and empirical realities of the migratory trend and its effects on African families/societies. It is clear that while people migrate from one location to another, for personal reasons, these multiple needs have chain effects on both the people and socio-cultural development of the societies. African traditional histories are based more on migration of the people in one form of settlement area or the other and these affect sometimes negatively the family system which was principally extended. Cultural values and norms are being broken or abandoned hence, creating multiple problem conditions in society. The paper articulated the various forms of migration, causes and consequences to individuals and family units and by extension of the society. Some of the identified causes of migration include; poverty, diseases, epidemic, marriage, religion, etc. there are basically some benefits and disadvantages to this trend in every receiving and releasing locations. The paper mainly among other things concludes that migration can be stopped but can be planned for to create positive impact.


Ethno-historical; Migration; Families; Africans and societies

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