Exposure Patterns in the Digital Domain: A Demographic Analysis of Media Use and Access in the United States

Daniel E. Trucil, Leonard Shyles, Emory Woodard IV, David J. Penyak, Heather Hundley, Michael A. Posner


In this study we examine and extend knowledge in a relatively neglected area of diversity research in the digital domain: exposure diversity. Specifically, we assess how different demographic groups use digital devices to consume media content and connect with one another. Two hundred and ninety-seven participants were surveyed about the digital media devices they have and what they do with them. We analyzed access and use in terms of users’ age, gender, race, annual income, and education. Our results confirm the persistence of a digital divide with regard to exposure diversity and continue to verify earlier findings regarding significant differences in media use and access in different demographic groups.


Exposure; Digital; Technology; Demographic; Survey; Media; Use; Access

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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