Epistemology of Social Networks, Public Opinion and Theory of Agenda

Agemir Bavaresco


Social networks act in the public sphere and in the institution of democratic practices in social development, in establishing the agenda with issues more inclusive and representative of society. Thus, citizens recognize themselves in the decision-making process more fair and democratic. What is the strength of the passions and emotions on the connection on social networks or even the role of public opinion and the theory of agenda in the network society? Firstly, we present the epistemology of social networks, which describes the changes concerning the new online social media. Secondly, we will look at public opinion, in accordance with the principle of publicity of Kant, the contradiction in Hegel, public opinion and the principle of usefulness in J. S. Mill. Hume’s theory of mind and the neuroscientific study of António R. Damásio expose the relevance of perceptions, passions and emotions for decision-making and the connection on social networks. Finally, we present the theory of agenda from Maxwell McCombs, demonstrating the conventional agenda (unique agenda) as opposed to the agenda of social media (plural agenda). Some current facts, such as the uprisings of peoples, social movements and the emergence of social networking, renew the challenge of sustainability and learning on social networks. 


Epistemology; Social networks; Public opinion; Theory of agenda

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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