A Comparative Study Between the Dark Triad of Personality and the Big Five



The “Dark Triad”, a constellation of three conceptually distinct but showing close correlates socially aversive personality variables, consisting of three triad members: Machiavellianism, narcissism and subclinical psychopathy, is an important research achievement in the area of the dark side of personality. This paper is to compare the rapidly expanding Dark Triad of personality and the popular Big Five Model, analyzing the complementarity in the theoretical field and the relationship between organizational behavior and personality trait in the empirical field. Future research should strengthen the research of the dark side of personality like Dark Triad, explore the role of situational variables and focus on negative and positive effects of personality traits.


Dark Triad; The Big Five; Organizational behavior; Complementarity; Comparison

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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