Governance Thoughts and Time Value of Marxism Classics’ Authors

Guokang SU, Weiying KONG


Strengthening governance is a necessary choice of a nation’s development progress. Though Marxism classics’ authors do not explicitly put forward “governance”, their works have contained rich views on governance. They have initially constructed governance system which includes system of politics, culture and education, justice, military and organization; and they have initially discussed the goals, measures, subjects and approaches of governance. In-depth study of these thoughts is significant for advancing the modernization of governance system and capacity.


Marxism classics’ authors; Governance; Governance system; Governance capacity

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Selections of K. Marx and F. Engels (Vol.1). (1995). Beijing, China: People’s Publishing House.

Selections of K. Marx and F. Engels (Vol.3). (1995). Beijing, China: People’s Publishing House.

Selections of K. Marx and F. Engels (Vol.4). (1995). Beijing, China: People’s Publishing House.

Selections of Lenin (Vol.1). (1995). Beijing, China: People’s Publishing House.

Selections of Lenin (Vol.3). (1995). Beijing, Chia: People’s Publishing House.



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