Curriculum Development of Supplementary Substance Curriculum in Working, Occupation, and Technology Learning Substance based on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Promoting Primary School Students’ Life Skill

Samai Khankhaeng, Jiraporn Chano, Kochaporn Numnaphol


The objectives of this research were: a) to study the situation, problem, and need for establishing the Supplementary Substance Curriculum in Working, Occupation, and Technology Learning Substance based on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for enhancing one’s life skill, b) to develop the curriculum, c) to study the findings of curriculum usage, and d) to evaluate the curriculum in Instructional Management Technique for developing one’s Life Skill by using the Integrated Instruction, the Cooperative Learning, the Work Project or Learning by Doing, R-C-A Questioning Technique, Instruction being relevant to the objective which was aimed for the students to be able to solve the problem by themselves, develop their personality in awareness, view their own worth as well as the others’ values, have analytical thinking, make decision, and solve the problem creatively, adjust one’s emotion and tension, develop good relationship with the others for adjustment and self-defense in different situations, manage one’s life efficiently, make efficient decision by considering the impact on oneself, society, and environment, be able to apply for usefulness as well as live in society sufficiently, and be happy sustainable throughout the time based on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.


Curriculum development; Sufficiency economy philosophy; Life skill

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