Women Entrepreneurs in Conserving Land: An Analytical Study at the Sundarbans, Bangladesh

Sajal Roy


Women entrepreneurs as well organized and socially motivated group do contribute towards the protection of environmental resources. Land as important ingredients of natural environment provides not only livelihood but protects a greater mass during natural disaster. Cyclone Sidr and Ailla consecutively visited in 2007 and 2009 at the southern district Satkhira in Bangladesh. As a direct consequence of global climate change the incidents impelled ultra-poor people living in the costal belt to get lost their accommodation. Thereby in a post disaster context the agenda of environmental security through land conservation is one of the ways to protect the environment from being degraded. Women as agent of environmental development may contribute in this focused area. Accordingly this paper would like to spotlight different roles played by women entrepreneurs in land conservation with a view to ensuring environmental security in the disaster prone Gabura Union, Shamnagar, Satkhira.

Key words: Women Entrepreneurs; Environmental resources; Gabura union


Women Entrepreneurs, Environmental resources, Gabura Union


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720120805.1040


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