Application of the Interpretive Theory of Translation in Interpreting Practice

Qiang KANG


This paper makes a research on Application of the Interpretive Theory of Translation in Interpreting Practice and reviews the major developing condition and applications of interpreting studies throughout its history, from which we can see that research methodology of interpreting studies is evolving from objective speculation based on experience to objective description based on data. Since the establishment of the 1980s, with the gradual improvement of the theoretical framework and unique theory angle of view, Interpretive Theory became the dominant interpretive theory in the western countries, leading the Western interpretation research into a new stage dominated by practitioners, which has a significant influence on the research of interpreting in China as well. The theory still has an important guiding significance on the nature of translation, analysis of interpreting process and objects, ideas on interpreting teaching, and on today’s interpreting practice and teaching. This paper tries to make a comprehensive evaluation on the background, developing lines, basic views, creative contribution and prospects, in the hope of promoting the theory in China.


Interpretive theory; Interpreting; Practice; China

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