A Study of Translation Process Based on the Cognitive Psychology

Yushan ZHAO


The research trend of translation process is to describe the internal psychological mechanism of the translator. Some cognitive psychology concepts are often used in the study of translation process. Therefore, it is important to explain the concepts related to the study and explain how these concepts are applied to the study of translation psychology. Cognitive psychology is a discipline that studies how people learn, store and use knowledge. Its research scope includes attention, perception, memory, thinking, problem solving, speech and cognitive development. Some people think that translation is just a process of reproducing the original text in another language while preserving the original meaning as much as possible, but the cognitive psychology method helps eliminate this misunderstanding for every experienced translator knows that translation is more than reproducing the original text. This paper focuses on the information processing theory in the comprehension process of translation: top-down and bottom-up information processing models; short-term and long-term memory; decision-making and problem solving to make more translators understand the translation psychology of translators in the translation process, so as to better improve the translation quality.


Translation process; Information processing theory; Short-term and long-term memory; Decision-making; Problem solving

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12211


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