Displacement or Complementary Effect?: An Assessment of Traditional and New Media Use Patterns among Elites in South-East Nigeria
In the face of the ongoing debates and discourses concerning the displacement and replacement effect of the new media on traditional media, this study analyzes the media consumption pattern among elites in South-East Nigeria under the framework of the Uses and Gratification approach, to determine if any similarities as observed in developed countries of the world will prevail in Nigeria. Survey research method was used with a sample of 478 elites drawn from government secretariats located in capitals of the five select states in South-east Nigeria. Findings show that respondents still largely utilize the traditional media for gratifying their various needs as opposed to the findings in other parts of the globe that suggest a seeming displacement and replacement effect of the traditional media by the new media. In the face of the displacement effect argument for developing countries such as Nigeria where the new media is still an evolving phenomenon, we therefore, conclude by projecting a rather complementary effect view based on the evidence that elites use and perceive the new media as an extension of the old media.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/6849
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