The Path Thinking About Strengthening the Identity Education of the “Chinese Dream” Among the Minority College Students in Southwest China

Xie WEN, Cheng XIA


This article thoroughly thinks the important meaning of the education and practice of the identity of the “Chinese Dream” among the minority college students in southwest China. Through conducting survey, the research group acquires some conclusion. The overall situation of the identity of the “Chinese Dream” among the minority college students in southwest China is fine. But there still are some notable questions in the process of identity, for instance, lacking comprehensive and systemic rational cognition, emotional identity is not stable enough, the presentation of ideals and beliefs is complicated and the cognition and practice disconnect each other. Analyzing the concluding the causes of these problems, and put forward the countermeasures on this basis. There are four major measures to improve the situation, namely innovating the means, channels and methods of the education propaganda of the “Chinese Dream”; Optimize the realistic environment of the state, colleges and universities and individuals; Emphasize the positive role of religious culture; Build relevant long-term mechanism. Along with this way, the identity of the “Chinese Dream” among the minority college students in southwest China will be strengthened. 


Southwest China; Minority college students; The “Chinese Dream”; Identity

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