A Case Study in an Ohio Middle School Using Wiki Technology in Chinese Language Classes to Improve the Students’ Achievement and Parent Communication
Recent research has suggested as well as demonstrated that student success and achievement can improve if there are better communication opportunities provided within the learning community, i.e., parents, students, teachers, administrators, and the community at large. This research was a case study of a Chinese foreign language class in Perkins School District (Sandusky, Ohio) to show if technological applications such as Wiki and the use of I Pods can help improve student achievement and success through its use as a communication vehicle between parents, teachers, and other members of the learning community. This was accomplished through survey/questionnaire development and the analysis of academic achievement before and after the implementations of Wiki and I-Pod technologies into the classroom setting. The results showed that although parental involvement did not independently improve children’s learning, some involvement activities did prevent behavioural problems. The interaction analyses suggested that the involvement of parents with low socioeconomic status might be more effective than that of parents with high socioeconomic status. By using digital tools in class, technology does support family-school collaboration and promotes parental school involvement especially in high-risk or disadvantaged communities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n
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