HiEduQual: An Instrument for Measuring the Critical Factors of Students’ Perceived Service Quality

Annamdevula Subrahmanyam, Bellamkonda Raja Shekhar


This paper attempts to develop and validate a service quality instrument called HiEduQual to measure the perceived service quality of students in higher education institutions. The study employs survey research design to gather data regarding attitudes of students about quality of service being provided by the universities. The study identifies a model with six-structured dimensions containing 23 items which showed good psychometric properties based on findings from various reliability and validity tests as well. Similarly, study tested the measurement invariance to operate the model equivalently across genders. Implications are discussed and directions for further research are indicated.


HiEduQual; Service quality; Higher education; Critical factors; Measurement scale

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/4424


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