The Royal Commission Report for Strategic Management and Improvement of the Royal Malaysian Police
Nadhrah A. Kadir[1]
Kamaruzaman Jusoff[2]
Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the
Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) where the issues in improving the RMP along with
its problems from the perspective of strategic management in the public sector
based on three important themes i.e., strategy, implementation and politics
were addressed. The discussion draws substantially from the Report of the Royal
Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysia Police
(2005) [hereafter RCR] and the analysis was guided by the framework presented
by Kelman (1987) and Moore (1995). For any improvement to take place, the
problems must first be identified. Based on the problems of the RMP identified
by the Royal Commission (RC), suggestions for improvement will be provided.
This paper starts by looking at the strategy of the RMP. This is followed by
the second section which focus on the implementation part and the concluding
section provides the challenges facing the RMP with regard to the
Keywords: Police; Accountability; Reforms; Public Management; Public Value
1. Introduction: Strategy
Alice said, ��Would you tell me,
please, which way I ought to go from here?�� The cat said, ��That depends a good
deal on where you want to get to,�� �CLewis Carroll, 1865.
The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) took its current name
upon the formation of Malaysia in1963. It is a federal institution and is led by
the Inspector General of Police (IGP). The regular functions of the force
involve largely law enforcement, order maintenance and services. Over the
years, there is a public dissatisfaction over the performance of the RMP. In
response, the government under the former Prime Minister (PM) Abdullah Badawi
announced the formation of a Royal Commission to investigate and review the
operation and management of the RMP. In 2005, the Royal Commission released a
report i.e., the Report of the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and
Management of the Royal Malaysia Police (RCR) detailing the problems of the
force and recommended 125 recommendations to the Government to improve the
force. Hence, the discussion of this paper will draw substantially from the report
and the analysis will be guided by the framework presented by Kelman (1987) and
Moore (1995) based on three important themes i.e., strategy, implementation and
politics. This paper starts by looking at the strategy of the RMP.
It is a well-accepted fact that police departments play an important role in a society. As Moore and Braga (2003) put it, they are ��significant, even essential, public agencies��. Moore (1995) argues that public agency��s aim is to create public value. The value is determined by the public themselves in which they are ��willing to give something up in return for it�� (Kelly et al. 2002: 4). Notably, the assets and resources used by the police are given by the citizens i.e., money and authority to produce something that is considered valuable for the citizens (Moore and Braga 2004). The pertinent question arises here is, ��how does it get produced?��. Moore (1995) proposes that, in so doing, organizational strategy must be established in which, the public agency must meet three criteria i.e., it must define a goal, it must capture and sustain the support of overseers and it must be doable. All these criteria must be met, otherwise, the strategy will fail. Indeed, Moore argues that public manager must first establish a mission by which their organizations will be guided. In describing the mission and strategy for public policing, Moore and Braga (2003: 13) noted the following,
��the right mission or strategy of an organization is not
a fixed, permanent thing. It is instead, something to be chosen by those who
own and lead the organization in light of the environmental circumstances �C
both the ��task environment�� of problems that the police confront, as well as
the ��authorizing environment�� of public expectations and demands of the police.
With regard to the strategy of the RMP, the RCR (2005:
179) commented that,
RMP has already embarked upon measures to realign its raison d��etre, vision, mission and
objectives to adjust to the changes occurring in the policing environment. In
particular it has sought to emphasize several factors fundamental to good
policing in the modern era-- the police force as an institution that exists to
serve the community; the importance of securing the trust and confidence of the
public; policing in the partnership with the community; the various forms of
community policing; the qualities of friendliness, helpfulness, good conduct
and integrity; fair and just enforcement of the laws and exercise of powers;
speedy and professional services; and transparency.
At first glance, as noted by the RCR, the RMP seems to have a well-established strategy, mission and goals. They appear to know where they are heading. Notwithstanding with that fact, the RCR also noted that, ��the RMP has been unsuccessful in projecting a positive image of itself to the people.�� What is more, the RCR (2005: 33) listed several problems with the RMP based on their inquiries and feedback from the public and the RMP itself as well as nine major challenges confronting the RMP. Hence, when the RMP celebrated its 200th anniversary recently, they have come up with a new and improved strategy, vision, mission and goals in line with the suggestions made by the RCR (New Straits Times [NST] 25 March 2007). Nonetheless, many observers strongly remarked, ��...200 years of policing, 50 years of Malaysian Police abuses and ensuing gross injustices�� ( On closer inspection, the author shall argue that, the main problem with the RMP is its implementation. It seems that the RMP has badly managed its ��operational management��, to borrow Moore��s term. The discussion which follows will emphasize the central concern of this paper i.e., the implementation. As warned by Moore (1995: 71), ��If managers have an attractive purpose broadly supported by the political environment but lack in the operational capacity to achieve it, the strategic vision must fail.�� This paper will be concluded by considering the political management in the context of the RMP.
2. Improving The Malaysian Police: Implementation
��Reform, that you may preserve��-Lord Macaulay 1831
It is pertinent to note that
police agency ��organization��s production process emerges from the particular
way that individual officers do their work�� (Moore 1995: 222). View it another
way, its operational process lies in the ��orientations and capabilities of the
officers, policies and procedures and its culture.��
As noted earlier, the main problem with the RMP is poor ��operational management��. Significantly, this has led to more serious consequences i.e., corruption, abuse of power, deaths in the police custody and high incidence of crime. Perhaps, more importantly, this problem has resulted the declining of confidence among the public. In fact, the RCR (2005: 3) also admitted that, ����confidence in the police, as the agency which is responsible for upholding law and order in the country, was being seriously undermined.�� Beginning with the findings of the RCR, the section below will consider the problems of the RMP. Thereafter, the discussion will centre on the question ��what should be done?��
Implementation: What went wrong?
What went wrong? This is a crucial question. Perhaps Kelman��s (1987) words are worth noting in answering this question, ��If it (organization) proves impossible to create the needed capacity, or if unintended consequences of establishing it distort performance, then an organization may founder: experience teaches that the production stage can be a land where dreams die��. Kelman further argues that, the capacity can be attained from a ��good performance of its people�� and ��the way it designs the jobs the organization does��. Simply put, he emphasizes on the importance of human resources management (HRM) and job design i.e., standard operating procedures (SOP). Likewise, Moore (1995: 212) suggested that for any organization to maintain its good performance, it must ��use and adjust their organization��s administrative systems i.e., their structures, policy making processes, personnel systems and control mechanisms��. In this regard, it is doubtful that the RMP has fully developed its capacity and maintain its performance.
To begin with, among the challenges noted by the RCR (2005), which are particularly relevant in this context, are ��inadequacies in human resources management and performance�� and ��compliance with prescribed laws and human rights.��
2.1.1 Human Resources Management (HRM)
Among the issues that had been
highlighted by the RCR pertaining to the flaws of HRM in the RMP are,
deficiencies in recruitment which has restrained them to hire the right people
with the right skill and the absence of competencies-based model for HRD which
has contributed to the following problems:
Goals, objectives and directions of PDRM are not being
fully supported, to the detriment of the image of the police as well as the
interests of the community. Crimes are less easily solved and cases less
successfully cleared because of inferior performance and lack of knowledge and
skills in certain areas, such as in commercial crime. It is more difficult to
target, attract, and hire the right people for the right job. It is more
difficult to customize training, skills development and career development to
fit different competency profiles and personnel (RCR 2005: 143-144).
In this regard, it appears that many cases were dismissed
due to the lack of skills among the police Prosecuting Officers. There are also
cases which remain unresolved or prosecuted due to the lack of investigation
skills of the police i.e., ��basic examining skills�� (RCR 2005: 236). The RC
also noted that there was a delay in taking immediate action of the
��non-classification�� cases because the personnel in charged were not trained
enough. In fact, the RC had considered this matter as ��extremely
unsatisfactorily�� (RCR 2005: 227).
The RCR also indicated that the training system of RMP is ��unable to produce sufficient personnel
with the necessary work ethics, competence and competencies such as
communication and language skill.�� Not surprisingly, this has raised complaints
among the public with regard to poor quality counter services. Among the
complaints were, ����wait for hours to lodge a report and there was no police
personnel to attend to their complaints at the enquiry counter��difficulties in
making reports when there are no translators���� (RCR 2005: 45). The training
also seems to neglect the ethics and integrity component. Among others, this
has contributed to the problem of corruption and abuse of power among the
police personnel.
There is also a flaw with regard to the RMP workforce planning. The RCR commented that the manpower management of RMP has not been effective. Undoubtedly, the consequences of this problem are predictable i.e.,
inability to fill vacancies, weaknesses in distribution
and deployment of RMP personnel, problems in managing expenditure on employee
remuneration and anticipating changes for RMP, difficulties in ensuring the
provision of sufficient and appropriate training and development and
difficulties in planning for other support facilities that are required, such
as housing, arms and uniforms (RCR 2005: 145)
Indeed, this explains the reason why sometimes there was
no follow-up action taken by the police when the reports had been lodged by the
complainants. The RMP noted their difficulty in coping with many
responsibilities and duties. They also claimed that they are ��overworked and
have too many cases to handle�� (RCR 2005: 36).
As previously stated, culture of the organization is also part of the production or implementation process in which it consists of ��values that are common to most of the organization��s members�� (Kelman 1987:152) whereby the values will ��guide the organization and the behaviour of its employees�� (Moore & Wasserman 1988). Kelman further reminded us that, organization need to establish a positive culture in order for its members to perform well. The RMP listed its values as ��loyalty, discipline, credibility, caring and friendly and excellence�� (RCR 2005: 179). However, the crucial point to note here is that, again, as indicated by the RC, the culture of impunity pervades in all ranks of the RMP. It is therefore not too far wrong to believe that the percentage of corrupt personnel in the RMP is high and occurs at all levels. Not surprisingly, a recent survey conducted by Merdeka Centre on behalf of Transparency International Malaysia (TIM) found that the public and private sector perceive police force as the most corrupt of all government officials (NST 6 March 2007). In this regard, Tunku Abdul Aziz, one of the members of the RC puts it well, ����by allowing a culture of routine unethical policing to develop with impunity, the seed of serious institutionalized corruption was planted�� (The Sun 8 Dec 2005). Indeed, as rightly pointed out by Moore and Wasserman (1988:1),
Police departments are powerfully influenced by their values. The problem is that police departments, like many organizations, are guided by implicit values that are often at odds with explicit values. These breeds confusions, distrust and cynicism rather than clarity, commitment and high morale.
Job design is the second important
factor emphasized by Kelman (1987). He argues that in designing a job, the most
significant issue is the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), i.e., rules that
will guide employees on what and how to do a job. Moore (1995: 224) pointed out
the reason for SOP is to ensure organizational effectiveness, consistency and
fairness ��by ensuring that every police officer used what the organization had
learned was the best and most appropriate technique for dealing with a
particular problem.�� This in a way will reduce the chances of the personnel to
use their discretions widely as well as to avoid misbehavior (Kelman 1987;
Moore 1995).
As far as this statement is concerned, this is quite far
from true in the case of the RMP. Unmistakably, the RMP has detailed its
policies and procedures to guide the behavior of its personnel i.e., Criminal
Procedure Code (CPC), Inspector General Standing Order (IGSO), Lockup Rules
1953, Police Act 1963 etc. Nevertheless, the fact is that, even if everything
were in place, does it help the organization work? Perhaps the words of Moore
(1995: 229) is worth noting,
In reality, however, officers worked with little
supervision. The informal culture encouraged them to break the rules to get the
job done. When caught, they were alternately protected and scapegoated by their
superiors. Such conditions generated an enormous amount of stress and cynicism
in organization.
In the case of RMP, the findings on the cases of deaths
in police custody indicated that many times
��the police do not faithfully follow the provisions of
the Lockup Rules 1953 and the IGSO. The duties imposed on Magistrates and the
police under CPC are not always complied with��relied solely on the findings of
the pathologist on the cause of death and stopped investigation. The police
should not stop investigation solely based on the reason given by the
pathologist. The investigations were not thorough. Witnesses i.e., cell-mates,
duty lockup officers, arresting officers and officers who participated in
examining the suspect were frequently not asked to give statements (RCR 2005:
Crucially though, the police had also misused the power entrusted to them. The case in point was the ��abuse of safeguards of rights in prescribed laws and regulations�� including law and regulation with regard to women and child provided in the CPC, IGSO and Lockup Rules (RCR 2005: 302; 339). What is most striking about the findings is that there is extensive and recurrent abuse of various kinds. The RC also noted that this practice had become ��ingrained�� in the police and they attributed to the failure of implementation of the IGSOs and national laws. Non-compliance of the rules, regulations, systems and procedures also prelude to demands of bribes among the police.
2.2 Implementation: Where Do We Go From Here?
The problem of internal operations of the RMP illustrate to us operational challenges facing the public manager of the RMP i.e., the IGP. The flaws and gaps in the production process of the RMP definitely need to be remedied. As Moore (1995) has pointed out, this is particularly important to lead the public manager towards innovation, to define products, to redesign the production process and to use administrative systems to influence operations. As suggested by Moore (2003: 476), there are four types of police innovation i.e., programmatic, administrative, technological and strategic innovations. Perhaps the most suitable innovation that can be adopted by the RMP is administrative innovations, as it ��will have an important impact on operations�� (Moore 2003: 477). Hence, below are the specific areas of administrative innovations that warrant a closer look for improvement to take place in the RMP.
2.2.1 Human resources
management: Develop Capacity
Cohen (1988: 23) remarked that,
��Finding employees, nurturing them, and motivating them form the essence of
effective public management��. Indeed, the most important resource a police
agency has is its personnel. Personnel system of the RMP should be the main
concern of improvement because as Phil Keith put it, ����that��s where the
majority of our resources are vested.�� (Quoted in Moore et al. 1999: 79). To a
certain extent, recommendations made by the RC to improve the management and
development of the RMP human resources are quite comprehensive as far as the
HRM is concerned. This should not come as a surprise because as observed by
Moore et al. (1999: 80), ��the substances of the reforms are fairly similar:
Every agency sought to make changes in hiring and recruitment, training
systems, and personnel evaluations and promotions����
Nonetheless, the author would like to highlight several
pertinent issues with regard to the HRM of the RMP. Initially, the RMP should
pay more attention in the selection
process of its personnel. Many HRM experts agree that selection decisions are
the most important part of successful HRM (Dessler 1999; Shafritz et al. 2001;
Bohlander & Snell 2004). Selection process should be done properly to get
the right people with the right skills and inclination (Kelman 1987). This
issue is particularly vital given the fact that police force is entrusted with
powers to enforce the rule of law and maintain public order.
The RMP also needs to consider a holistic approach to its
training and development programs
especially with regard to work ethics, compliance with human rights, gender
sensitization, public relations and so on and so forth. Both formal and
informal training are important. To quote Kelman (1987: 152) on this point,
training is ����not only about the nuts and bolts of the job, but about attitudes
and orientations as well��-- about what a ��good�� police officer is like��.
To a great extent, inducement can play a significant role in eliciting good performance from organization��s members. Kelman (1987: 156) contend that inducements are necessary in order for organization members to perform beyond the minimum. Along this line, Moore (2003: 483) noted that, ��incentives (in the form of both rewards and penalties tied to bits of behavior) can motivate people to perform in particular ways��. This is particularly true for the police force whose tasks are vulnerable and often exposed to hardship and danger. Indeed, the recent pay rise for civil servants including the police personnel was considered by many as ��apt and meaningful�� (The Star 22 May 2007) for the police force to improve their performance. Besides that, the RMP should also pay considerable attention to the working premises and the welfare of the personnel. As recommended by the RC, the RMP definitely needs to improve the situation as ��it has a negative impact on their morale, self-esteem and performance�� (RCR 2005: 427). In fact, this is in line with the suggestion made by Chester Barnard in which he noted that the incentives i.e., money, recognition, working conditions and pleasant social environment can contribute to better performance of employees (Cohen 1988: 38).
2.2.2 External accountability:
Ensure compliance
Given the nature of police task
which seems to be imbued with ��super-enormous power�� to ensure ��the protection
of the people rights, including security of life and property�� (RCR 2005: 168)
there is a need that much of their work must be guided with proper rules,
regulation and procedures. As noted earlier, the SOP is important in a
sense it limits the discretion
possessed by the police personnel. As Kelman (1987: 173) once remarked, the SOP
��create organizational capacity by telling organization members how to react in
a given situation��.
This is particularly essential for the police force who ��works under conditions that are far from ideal�� (NST 18 March 2007). Again, the situation in the RMP seems to suggest that non-compliance of the SOP persist at all levels. More importantly, there is little supervision of subordinate officers and staff due to poorly enforced supervisory system. Indeed, this has led the RC to propose one of the most important key recommendations to ensure that ��doctrines, laws, rules and procedures are observed and implemented�� (RCR 2005: 189) i.e., Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as the external oversight body. In this regard, the Report on Oxford Policing Policy Forum (2006: 9) pointed out that,
In a political climate characterized by a decline in
trust in the political process, loss of respect for public servants and an
increase in public expectations, the existence of an overarching national,
external and independent body for investigating allegations of police
misconduct must be viewed as vital for holding the police to account and for
dealing with police misconduct.
Interestingly, the recommendation has drawn mixed
reactions from various quarters. Given the credibility crisis faced by the RMP,
the public has welcomed the proposal, yet when it was first proposed, the RMP
and several National Front (Barisan
Nasional) MPs seems to be reluctant on the grounds that it is ��against the
Federal Constitution, natural justice, rule of law and against the police
personnel��s fundamental rights�� (The Sun
31 May 2006). Nonetheless, the assurance given by the then Deputy Inspector
General of Police, Musa Hassan that ��the men and women in blue have unanimously
agreed to support any proposal by the government�� has end the objection of the
RMP on the IPCMC (The Sun 6 July
2006). However, as to date, there is still uncertainty in which Tunku Abdul
Aziz commented that the government has ��soft pedal strenuously�� the decision to
its establishment (NST 18 March
For whatever reasons that seem to backtrack the formation of the IPCMC, the author is of the view that, the establishment of IPCMC will definitely restore the image of RMP which had been tainted by many allegations. More importantly, it will ensure RMP to ��effectively implements and abides by rules and regulations�� (RCR 2005: 189). As Moore (1995: 274) argued, strategic managers will expose their organizations to the pressures of external accountability. They should ��embrace rather than shun accountability, and they stimulate rather than dampen public expectations.�� He further emphasized that,
��if managers seek strategic changes in the organizations, embracing accountability seems to be an important tool. Without such an embrace, managers confront their organizational alone. With it, managers can focus the massed force of public expectations for change on their organizations��a far more advantageous position (1995: 276).
2.2.3 Organizational
(bureaucratic) values: Managing culture
Kelly et al. (2002: 13) point out
that, ��values can create value�� in a sense it will determine the ��capacity to
deliver results��. Concomitant to this, Moore (1995: 265) is also of the view
that, ��If the values could be held in place as obligations that the department
could learn to honor, then the culture of the organization would be
transformed��. In the case of the RMP, although they have defined their own
values, this is hardly being reflected in most of their actions. In fact, the
RC also proposed another three critical values for the RMP to consider viz.
��integrity, public accountability and upholding human rights�� (RCR 2005: 183).
Somehow, the author is of the view that these notions should be expanded into a
statement and incorporates those values into the rules, procedures and
directives. Significantly, this initiative has proven success in improving the
performance of police force. A case in point is Wichita Police Department and
Houston Police Department (Moore & Wasserman 1988: 3). Nonetheless, having
explicit value statements to cultivate a positive culture in an organization is
only one matter. The challenge is to foster the values into the actions of the
police personnel. Perhaps, as indicated earlier, emphasis on training of these
values can help but it is still debatable whether it can have any effect on the
behavior of the police personnel.
Again, to an important degree, the IPCMC as an external
body will also help to discard the culture of impunity which has embedded in
all ranks of the RMP. Changing the overall police culture will be one of the
critical factors in improving the force. To elaborate a bit further, perhaps
the word of Tunku Abdul Aziz is worth noting, ��An organization is a child of
its culture. A positive culture grounded in high professional standards
underpinned by sound and moral values promotes public confidence and a sense of
harmony in society�� (The Sun 8 Dec
2.3 Implementation: Making It
It is unclear to the author how far the recommendations proposed by the RC have been implemented by the RMP even though the former Prime Minister (PM), Tun Abdullah Badawi insists that, ����of the 125 suggestions by the RC��81 proposals or 65% have been implemented���� (The Sun 14 March 2006). On the other hand, the RMP claimed that 100 of the recommendations have been implemented in 2006 ( is evident is the fact that the RMP has created a new strategy, vision and mission (NST 25 March 2007) in which Moore (1995; 2003) would describe it as a ��strategic innovations��. At this juncture, the author does not see this as crucial though maybe necessary as Moore (1995: 234) has aptly puts it, ��a strategic innovation usually requires a great many programmatic and administrative innovations if it is to succeed.�� Viewed it another way, the RMP should first adopted the ��administrative innovations�� as Moore (1995: 234) emphasizes that it will ��close the gap between what the organization now is and what it can become��. Moore further argues that it ��maybe adopted because they will lead to a new strategy or simply because they seem to solve a current operational problem.�� Hence, it seems reasonable to suggest that the RMP should focus on administrative innovations before it embarks on the strategic innovations.
3. Conclusion
��Courage is the thing. All goes if
courage goes����
Moore in his arguably the most influential book, Creating
Public Value (1995) and elsewhere seems to put greater emphasis on the role of
politics. He contends that,
Politics cannot and should not be excluded from the
definition of public value�� Responding to politics and accepting its demands
and expectations is as fundamental to public managers as responding to the
market is to private managers. Without politics, public managers could not know
what was worth doing, for, in the end, it is politics that authoritatively
defines what is publicly valuable. Thus, it is in learning to read, respond to,
and help to shape political aspirations that managers can learn to create
public value (1994: 304).
No doubt, in the case on the RMP, the Inspector General
of Police (IGP) has to play a significant role in mobilizing the support from
the Government in order to improve the current state of the RMP. As indicated
by Moore et al. (1999: 46), they claimed that, ����the political environment can
obviously be influenced by the chief��. The author certainly do not dispute
Moore��s contention saying that, ����managers need these ��external�� actors because
they need their permission to use public resources��; or they need their
operational assistance to help produce the results for which they are
responsible�� (Moore 1995: 113). By and large, the author personally does not
see any difficulties for the IGP to gain the supports from the Government to
improve its operational management except for this critical issue i.e., the
IPCMC. The former PM in particular obviously senses a need for the RMP to regain
its reputation. The establishment of the RC itself sets the tone of seriousness
on the part of the Government. Besides, the Government has also channeled a
huge amount of money under the 9MP for the upgrading and building of new
infrastructure for the RMP (The Star 26
March 2007).
Somehow, pertaining to the IPCMC, many had grave doubts
that the IGP has done enough to expedite its formation. Several quarters have
raised concern over the ��sincerity�� of the IGP on this issue. Nonetheless, this
is quite understandable given the fact that the IGP works under much political
constraints when it comes to accountability and transparency. One need not
wonder further as experience has taught us how the Malaysian government has
constantly ignored the call for the establishment of Ombudsman as a watchdog.
As one observer pointed out,
Refusing to improve oneself even when one is stuck in a
fairly dismal state constitutes doing a grave injustice to oneself. Shutting
out any possible avenues for change and betterment when someone else is
counting on you is an even graver offence (The
Sun 9 April 2006).
In many respects, the author is of the view that the IGP
should first garner the support from the police force in order to push the PM
to expedite his decision on the IPCMC. Even though the IGP pledged that his
force would support the Government to set up the IPCMC, many are still
skeptical. Words are only words, something must be done to show that the RMP is
serious enough to have the IPCMC as an independent, external oversight body. To
gain the support from the force, the IGP can engage with them in explaining the
real intention of the IPCMC as many within the force itself seem to be
misunderstood of its rationale. The public at large must be persuaded to
support its formation. Perhaps, this will put pressure on the PM to make a firm
decision on IPCMC. But, then again, this will also largely depends on his
political will and courage as Bailey notes, ��Perhaps the most essential courage
in the public service is the courage to decide�� (Quoted in Warwick 1981: 125).
Essentially, as rightly pointed out by the RCR (2005: III),
The process of modernizing and improving the performance
of RMP will not be an easy task. It will require strong and inspired
leadership��strong and sustained political will on the part of Government��and
those who comprise the service to welcome, embrace and champion it.
It is a challenge that has to be taken by the RMP in particular its
leaders. Simon (1998) once remarked����whatever our talents, we have an opportunity,
by dedication to the goals of the organizations, public or private, in which we
work, to play a productive role in the society in which we live.�� To conclude,
perhaps, the words of Moore and Braga (2003: 7) are an important reminder, ��We
all understand in our bones that the police can do as much harm as good. Badly
managed, the police can become as great a threat to life, liberty and property
as the criminals from whom they are meant to protect us��.
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[1] Faculty of
Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu, 23000
Dungun, Terengganu.Tel: +6012-2504302 E-mail: [email protected]
[2] TropAIR, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor. Malaysia. Tel: +603-89467176 E-mail: [email protected]
* Received 27 July 2009; accepted 14 August 2009
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