Job Satisfaction Comparisons Among Diverse Public Organizations in the UAE

Badreya Al Jenaibi


People live in a multicultural society, where different sets of values and principles interact on a daily basis. In business, people from different parts of the world work together in an environment so rich in diverse cultural ideas and attitudes that it presents a huge chance for development through the huge flow of creative ideas, or the total opposite: an environment that easily can spark conflicts (Chapman, 2010). Globalization integrates different concepts about job satisfaction and adds a new dynamic to this rich world (Wormer, 2005) of opportunities. Regardless of origins, it is hard for an employee to perform a job day after day and still feel thrilled over time (Lee, 2005), or worse, for an employee to have a job that he/she never enjoyed in the first place. Research questions are: How can employees reach higher levels of job satisfaction? How does the organization get involved in enhancing its employees’ sense of job satisfaction? What are the known models of job satisfaction in the UAE? What are the main challenges of Job satisfaction in the UAE organizations? Also, three hypotheses were tested: Employees who receive larger salaries are more satisfied in their work. Creative employees are more motivated and fulfilled by their jobs. The more experience workers achieve, the more job satisfaction they receive. Accordingly, the literature review focuses on the meaning of job satisfaction, its challenges, and how to effectively increase employee satisfaction. The aim of this research is to explore the sense of job satisfaction and the struggles employees face in government organizations by using a case study of different organizations in the UAE. To test the research hypothesis quantitative and qualitative methods are used, 325 surveys were distributed among UAE employees and there are 12 employees interviewed regarding their work and in each organization to assemble facts about job satisfaction levels and the different factors that affect their work. One of the main research findings is job satisfaction is based on effective management, communication, facilities, and benefits, including salaries, technologies, and future job directions. Job satisfaction is a personal feeling that varies between employees in the UAE.


Models of Job Satisfaction; Equity Theory; Challenges and Work Approach; Measuring Job Satisfaction

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