Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Studies in Literature and Language (SLL) is dedicated to the comprehensive exploration and dissemination of scholarly research in the fields of languages and literature. The journal's focus encompasses a wide array of subjects, encouraging interdisciplinary, theoretical, and comparative approaches. The key areas of interest include:

  1. Literary Studies: In-depth analyses and discussions on literary works from diverse cultures and historical periods.

  2. Language Studies: Examination of languages, linguistics, and language-related phenomena within various cultural contexts.

  3. Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Exploration of trans-cultural dialogues, fostering a global understanding of languages and literature.

  4. Interdisciplinary Approaches: Encouragement of submissions that incorporate diverse disciplines, creating a rich tapestry of academic discourse.

  5. Comparative Literature: Studies that compare literary works, genres, or traditions, contributing to a deeper understanding of their commonalities and differences.

  6. Theoretical Frameworks: Investigations grounded in literary and linguistic theories, expanding the intellectual landscape of the field.

  7. Review Articles: Critical assessments of recent literary and language-related publications, providing readers with valuable insights into current debates and developments.

  8. Commentaries: Thought-provoking reflections on ongoing discussions and controversies within the broader academic community.

By encompassing this broad spectrum, SLL aims to foster an inclusive platform for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts passionate about languages and literature. The journal invites original contributions that engage with these thematic areas, promoting intellectual diversity and enriching the scholarly landscape.

Online Submissionhttp://cscanada.org/index.php/sll/submission/wizard


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

French Article

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

A. Purpose of Peer Review
Thank you for the effort and expertise that you contribute to reviewing, without which it would be impossible to maintain the high standards of peer-reviewed journals.
Peer review is a critical element of scholarly publication, and one of the major cornerstones of the scientific process. Peer Review serves two key functions:
1. Acts as a filter: Ensures research is properly verified before being published
2. Improves the quality of the research: rigorous review by other experts helps to hone key points and correct inadvertent errors

B.  Types of peer review
There are, essentially, three varieties of peer review. Each type carries with it some clear advantages, as well as some disadvantages:

1. Single Blind Review

The names of the reviewers are hidden from the author. This is the traditional method of reviewing and is, by far, the most common type.

Reviewer anonymity allows for impartial decisions free from influence by the author.

Authors fear the risk that reviewers working in the same field may withhold submission of the review in order to delay publication, thereby giving the reviewer the opportunity to publish first.

Reviewers may use their anonymity as justification for being unnecessarily critical or harsh when commenting on the author’s work.

2.  Double Blind Review

Both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous.

Author anonymity prevents any reviewer bias based on, for example, an author’s country of origin or previous controversial work.

Articles written by ‘prestigious’ or renowned authors are considered on the basis of the content of their papers, rather than on the author’s reputation.

It is uncertain whether a paper can ever truly be ‘blind’ – especially in specialty ‘niche’ areas. Reviewers can often identify the author through the paper’s style, subject matter or self-citation.

3.  Open Review

Reviewer and author are known to each other.

Some scientists feel this is the best way to prevent malicious comments, stop plagiarism, prevent reviewers from drawing upon their own ‘agenda’ and encourage open, honest reviewing.

Others argue the opposite view. They see open review as a less honest process in which politeness or fear of retribution may cause a reviewer to withhold or tone down criticism. For example, junior reviewers may hesitate to criticize more esteemed authors for fear of damaging their prospects. Independent studies tend to support this.


Open Access Policy

Studies in Literature and Language (SLL) is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that scholarly research is freely accessible to the global community.  SLL adopts the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) to facilitate unrestricted dissemination, usage, and reproduction of published articles.

Key Features of Open Access at SLL:

  1. Author Retention of Copyright: Authors retain the copyright to their work and grant SLL the right to publish and distribute it under the CC BY 4.0 license.

  2. Free Access: All articles published in SLL are freely available to the public, promoting a wider dissemination of knowledge and fostering global collaboration.

  3. Permission for Use: Users are granted the right to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, as well as to make derivative works, provided proper attribution is given to the original author(s) and the source of publication is acknowledged.

  4. Applicability: This open access policy applies to all articles published in SLL, starting from [Insert Date].

  5. Archiving: The journal supports digital archiving and preserves its content through partnerships with recognized digital repositories.

Author Responsibilities:

Authors submitting manuscripts to SLL agree to the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license. This allows the journal to disseminate the work effectively while maintaining the authors' intellectual property rights.

Benefits of Open Access:

  1. Global Visibility: Open access enhances the visibility and impact of research by making it accessible to a global audience.

  2. Citations and Collaboration: Studies have shown that open access articles tend to receive more citations, fostering academic collaboration and engagement.

  3. Knowledge Sharing: Free access to research promotes knowledge sharing and contributes to the advancement of scholarship.

SLL is dedicated to promoting open access as a fundamental aspect of scholarly communication, fostering innovation and collaboration within the academic



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...



Journals of CSCanada are indexed or included and archived by databases from the following famous companies or organizations:

The journal archived in Library and Archives Canada (http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-e.html )

The journal included in AMICUS

The journal indexed in Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com )

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CSCanada provides open access to works we publish on the principle of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Under this license, we require publishing rights from authors to publish and disseminate their research articles, while authors retain ownership of the copyright in their works. This allows anyone to download, print, distribute, reuse, modify and copy the content without requesting extra permission from the authors or the publishers only if appropriate credits are given to the original authors and source.

The authors agree that:

The author assigns conveys and otherwise transfers all rights title, interest, and copyright ownership in this “Work” to our journal when the “Work” is accepted for publication. “Work means the material submitted for publication plus another related material submitted.

The assignment of rights to our journal includes but is not expressly limited to rights to edit. publish, reproduce, distribute copies, prepare derivative works include in indexes or search databases in print, electronic, or other media whether or not in use at the time of execution of this agreement, and claim copyright in said work throughout the world for the full duration of the copyright and any renewals or extensions thereof.


Plagiarism Policy

There is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism in this journal. Manuscripts submitted are screened for plagiarism through the advanced plagiarism detection software before, during & after publication, If found erring, they will be rejected at any stage of processing.

If evidence of plagiarism is found before/after acceptance or after the publication of the paper, the author will be offered a chance for rebuttal. If the arguments are not found to be satisfactory, the manuscript will be retracted and the author sanctioned from publishing papers for a period to be determined by the responsible Editor(s).


Plagiarism is the act of presenting the words, ideas, or images of another as your own; it denies authors or creators of content the credit they are due. Whether deliberate or unintentional, plagiarism violates ethical standards in scholarship (see APA Ethics Code Standard 8.11, Plagiarism. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/plagiarism).

To avoid plagiarism, provide appropriate credit to your sources by adding author–date in-text citations for direct quotations and ideas (e.g., credit the originators of theories). If you model a study after one conducted by someone else, give credit to the author of the original study.

If you wish to reprint or adapt tables, figures, and images or to reprint long quotations or commercially copyrighted test items, you must provide more comprehensive credit in the form of a copyright attribution and may need permission from the copyright holder to use the materials. Even images from the internet that are free or licensed in the Creative Commons need a copyright attribution if you are reproducing them in your paper. For more information about copyright and permissions, see Sections 12.14–12.18 of the Publication Manual (7th ed.).


Self-plagiarism is the presentation of your own previously published work as original; like plagiarism, self-plagiarism is unethical. Self-plagiarism deceives readers by making it appear that more information is available on a topic than really exists. It gives the impression that findings are more replicable than is the case or that particular conclusions are more strongly supported than is warranted by the evidence. It may lead to copyright violations if you publish the same work with multiple publishers (sometimes called duplicate publication).


ISSN Register Information

All CSCanada journals have two ISSNs (in electronic and in print).

You can visit issn.org to check any of our ISSNs.

All CSCanada ISSNs are legally registered with issn.org.

Anyone can find the following information relating to CSCanada and its publications in http://amicus.collectionscanada.gc.ca/electroniccollection-bin/Main/AdvSearch?coll=11&l=0&v=1

1. You can search CSCanada as the keyword to find our publications.

2. You can search any of our journals’ ISSN or E-ISSN as key word.

3. You can also search Canadian Research & Development Centerof Sciencesand Cultures and Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture as key word.

If you have any difficulty in searching our journals or our organizations from the above website we provide, we suggest you directly visit the following related website to find the information you need.


CSCanada Register Information

Anyone can get our register information in Quebec government’s website http://www.registreentreprises.gouv.qc.ca/en/consulter/rechercher/instructions_recherche.aspx
You can search the following items in the website by clicking“Find an enterprise” on the right of the above website. 
1) CSCanada
2) Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
3) Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures
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